San Fernando West Valley

Become a Member


Become a Member

The SFWV Branch meets regularly from September - June. These general meetings afford members the opportunity to receive important information regarding the many activities the Branch offers, and also to exchange music and pedagogical ideas. Often these meetings include programs featuring guest lecturers, performances, master classes and teacher discussions. They provide a forum to meet fellow members professionally and socially. Our Newsletters (September - June) also keep members well-informed and up-to-date with Branch activities. The SFWV Branch sponsors regular student recitals, festivals and competitions which are listed under the Programs heading of this website. Members may also have their students participate in the MTAC State-sponsored Certificate of Merit evaluation program and the Southern California Junior Bach Festival.

Classes of membership

  • Active Teacher Membership is granted to those who have a Bachelor's degree or higher in music from an accredited institution (or the equivalent) and who are actively engaged in the profession of teaching music.

  • Provisional Membership is granted to those persons offering satisfactory evidence of the intention and ability to qualify for Active Teacher membership within a three year period.

  • Business Affiliate Membership is available to non-teaching persons, such as firms and institutions interested in the purposes of this organization.

  • Student Membership is available to students who are actively pursuing college degrees as music majors.

For more information about MTAC membership, or to apply, please go to .